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"Young Masters" Art Class...


Unlike clay classes and workshops, the Young Masters art classes are designed to provide a broad overview of art-making techniques and methods, introduce the old-masters along-side modern artists, and to teach and engage the student's creative mind. This series of classes is appropriate for students grade k-12. 


Painting, drawing, fibers, textiles, printmaking, sculpture, photography, digital media, calligraphy, and collage are all potential methods of exploration in Young Masters. 

(Please note, clay-work is not included in the Young Master's classes.)


The Young Master's class series is often used to supplement a school art class, or as an art class for homeschooling students.


Classes begin the week of Sep 1st, and continue until the week of May 15th. However, you are welcome to start whenever works best for your family!


Student sketching mandala.


Liechtenstein inspired Pop-Art


Graphite and charcoal self portrait


Watercolor self-representational mandala


Illuminated manuscript calligraphy study


Intro to observational drawing with basic forms


Notan: contrasting paper cutting


Self-portrait painting


Watercolor self-representational mandala


Mixed-media printmaking


Illuminated manuscript calligraphy study


Watercolor self-representational mandala


Self-portrait painting


Coat of Arms design


Illuminated manuscript calligraphy study





Young Masters Schedule & Pricing

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The Materials Fee is due at the time of registration. Following completion of the registration form below, you will be emailed an invoice to complete the payment for your student's first month's tuition. 

One registration form must be completed for each child.

Due to COVID-19, classes are currently being limited to four students. As a result, additional class times will be added as the current ones become full. 


Masks will be required during classes- disposable masks will be provided for a fee if your student does not have one. Temperatures will be taken and hand washing required upon entry of each class.

Young Masters Registration Form

Parent/Guardian Info...

Emergency Contact Info...

(Please use a contact different from parent/guardian info section)

Pick Up List...

(Please include First/Last Name, Relationship to Student, and Phone Number.)

Student Info...

What Class Are You Registering For... (student grade must match the class you are registering for)

Required Policies & Agreements


By checking the box below I am consenting to my electronic signature serving as the same purpose as a written signature and I am consenting to communicate electronically with Sanctuary Studio.


Water is the only beverage allowed in the studio. Food & snacks are not permitted. Please ensure your child has eaten prior to class.


Smoking, alcohol, and tobacco products are not permitted on the premises.

To prevent distractions, please do not enter the studio during class time unless you are a student. 

Please make every effort to have your child in class promptly each week. Frequent tardiness and absences create problems for the student, the instructor, and the classmates. When unavoidable absences arise please call or email the studio before your child's class time to inform us. Please do not drop your child off early unless you plan to stay with him/her.


Students should wear old clothes. Some materials used in the studio might stain. 


Students must be dropped off on time (please do not drop off your student more than 5 minutes early for class). Students of any age will not be permitted to wait outside the studio without a parent present. If parent elects to wait in vehicle during class, please do not leave car idling


Students under the age of 13 may not leave the studio unless accompanied by a parent/guardian. If a student is between the age of 13 and 17, he/she may leave the studio unattended by a parent/guardian (including but not limited to times between classes) only if the student's parent/guardian indicates his/her permission in writing. This authorization is also required for students under the age of 18 who drive themselves to and from Sanctuary Studio. Parents/guardians who elect not to give permission for his/her student to leave the studio are responsible for communicating this to his/her student.


A student is allowed 1 schedule change per studio year. Any schedule changes will only be made when a Schedule Change Request Form is completed. Please contact the studio to have this form emailed to you.


By completing and signing this form, I authorize Sanctuary Studio to charge my credit card upon submitting this form for electronic debit. I understand that the first withdrawal will include 1st monthly tuition. I understand that the Materials Fee is due at the time of registration, and is non-refundable. Thereafter, I authorize Sanctuary Studio to charge my credit card each month for tuition payment of art classes. I agree that no prior-notification will be provided if the total payment is under the stated monthly tuition. I will receive advance notice of the charge if it exceeds the monthly tuition amount. I understand that because these are electronic transactions, these funds may be withdrawn from my account as soon as the above noted periodic transaction period. WITHDRAWAL NOTICE: I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I cancel it in writing or until May 15th (whichever comes first), and I agree to notify Sanctuary Studio in writing of any changes in my account information or termination of this authorization at least 30 days prior to the next billing date. NSF FEE: In the case of an transaction being rejected for Non Sufficient Funds (NSF) I understand that Sanctuary Studio will attempt to process the charge again within 30 days, and agree to an additional $25 charge for each attempt returned NSF which will be initiated as a separate transaction from the authorized recurring payment. I acknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to my account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law. I agree not to dispute these scheduled payments with my bank so long as the transaction corresponds to the terms indicated in this form.


In the event Sanctuary Studio needs to cancel a class due to low enrollment you will receive a full refund, including the materials fee.


If your child must withdraw from any class a 30-day written notice from the 15th of the month is required. Payments will stop processing after the 30 days, supply fees will not be refunded. Emails will be accepted.


 I hereby release, waive and agree not to assert against Sanctuary Studio, its directors, teachers, officers, agents or employees, any claim for injury to said child in consequence of or incident to Sanctuary Studio activities.


Unless written notice is given to the studio, permission is granted to Sanctuary Studio and its operators to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event they are not able to reach a parent or guardian OR it is believed medical attention is needed to prevent further injury or harm. However, Sanctuary Studio and its operators do not give medical care to students or others unless they believe medical attention is needed to prevent further injury or harm. Parent/Guardian must submit written notice for any physical/mental problems, restrictions, or conditions. Sanctuary Studio does not carry medical insurance for the students.


I grant permission for Sanctuary Studio to use my child's picture/video in future advertising, literature, or in any web content Sanctuary Studio and events sponsored and conducted by them.



In case of class cancellation due to inclement weather an email will be sent out and a message will be left on the voicemail. If more than two classes are cancelled due to inclement weather a make-up class will be rescheduled at a later date.

By entering my name below, I certify that to the best of my knowledge all of the above information provided is correct and true. I agree to all terms and conditions unless otherwise indicated, and acknowledged by SanctuaryStudio, in writing. 

Thanks for Registering!

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