Children's Summer Handbuilding Registration Form
Parent/Guardian Info...
Emergency Contact Info...
(Please use a contact different from parent/guardian info section)
Pick Up List...
(Please include First/Last Name, Relationship to Student, and Phone Number.)
Home Address...
Student Info...
Required Policies & Agreements
By checking the box below I am consenting to my electronic signature serving as the same purpose as a written signature and I am consenting to communicate electronically with Sanctuary Studio.
Water is the only beverage allowed in the studio. Food & snacks are not permitted. Please ensure your child has eaten prior to class.
Smoking, alcohol, and tobacco products are not permitted on the premises.
To prevent distractions, please wait to enter the studio until class time has concluded unless you are a student.
Please make every effort to have your child in class promptly each week. Frequent tardiness and absences create problems for the student, the instructor, and the classmates. When unavoidable absences arise please call or email the studio before your child's class time to inform. Please do not drop your child off early unless you plan to stay with him/her.
Students should wear old clothes. Some materials used in the studio might stain.
There is no guarantee regarding the quality and/or serviceability of fired work.
Due to the necessity of a minimum amount of pottery in order to fire the kiln, there is no guaranteed time frame in which your work will be fired and ready for pick-up.
Completed and fired work is to be picked up from the studio within two weeks of being notified that it is ready. Work that has not been picked up following this time period can be disposed of.
Finished work can be mailed to you for an additional packing and shipping fee.
Please do not drop off your student more than 10 minutes early or 10 minutes late for class. Students of any age will not be permitted to wait outside the studio without a parent present. If parent elects to wait in vehicle during class, please do not leave car idling.
Due to the limited sessions of this course, no make up classes will be offered for missed sessions. Missed sessions are non-transferable. If, for whatever reason, a session is cancelled on behalf of the studio, a makeup session will be offered.
In order to reserve a space in the class, payment must be made in full.
Payment accepted following registration completion, via
Payment is non-refundable.
I hereby release, waive and agree not to assert against Sanctuary Studio and Dixie Cartelli, and any associated directors, teachers, officers, agents or employees, any claim for injury to said child in consequence of or incident to Sanctuary Studio activities.
Unless written notice is given to the studio, permission is granted to Dixie Cartelli, Sanctuary Studio and its operators to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event they are not able to reach a parent or guardian OR it is believed medical attention is needed to prevent further injury or harm. However, Sanctuary Studio and its operators do not give medical care to students or others unless they believe medical attention is needed to prevent further injury or harm. Parent/Guardian must submit written notice for any physical/mental problems, restrictions, or conditions. Sanctuary Studio does not carry medical insurance for the students.
I grant permission for Sanctuary Studio to use my child's picture/video in future advertising, literature, or in any web content Sanctuary Studio and events sponsored and conducted by them.
In case of class cancellation due to inclement weather an email will be sent out and a message will be left on the voicemail. If more than two classes are cancelled due to inclement weather a make-up class will be rescheduled at a later date.
By entering my name below, I certify that to the best of my knowledge all of the above information provided is correct and true. I agree to all terms and conditions unless otherwise indicated, and acknowledged by SanctuaryStudio, in writing.
Thanks for Registering! Proceed to payment.
This form no longer accepts submissions.